Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Manic Mondays in February

Ok so it's not Monday but better late than never!

Mr. Sandman
Do you have a regular bedtime routine that helps you get to sleep?

On average, how many hours of sleep do you get each night?

How many hours do you actually require and/or like to have?

How do you deal with insomnia?

No individual answers today, mainly because they would run into each other. I have a condition known as M.E. or C.F.S. This means that I feel like I have the flu all the time and am constantly fighting fatigue. I don't have a regular routine, although I tend to put on the TV, but I also do that in the morning to wake!
I try to get at 7 hours in my bed although I might not sleep for all of them I am resting. I would sleep all day if I could but I have to work, at the weekends I stop in bed for longer and sometimes have afternoon naps. It's not unusual for me to fall asleep on the sofa after work and then wake to go to bed only to really wake up with the moving and have trouble getting back to sleep.
I don't count what I have as insomnia, I have disturbed sleep patterns because of the M.E. I often wake in the middle of the night, somewhere between 3am and 4am. Usually just snuggle into the covers and rest until I have nodded back off; sometimes I have to go to the loo first! My dog thinks it's a cue to get up.

Want more mania? Go to manic monday


Anonymous said...

It must be extremely difficult having CFS. Thanks for sharing your "sleep" story. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine what a challenge that must present. Sleep is such an essential part of life...at least to me.

Hope your week is a good one!

Arlene said...

What is ME? I've heard of CFS, but never ME. Although, I may just not know it as ME :-)

Thanks for coming by, and thanks for playing :-)